GitHub Integration settings should not be locked to one user

We are avid users of the GitHub integration and also try to avoid bottlenecks as much as possible.
Whenever we need to change the integration only the person / account that created the integration can do so and that can be quite frustrating.
Would it be possible to allow the owner and all managers of the project to change the settings?

(related: Cannot edit GitHub integration (project owner))

Otherwise we’ll probably switch to the GitHub - crowdin/github-action: A GitHub action to manage and synchronize localization resources with your Crowdin project at some point, but that seems like a lot more upfront work at this point.

Hi @elbotho,

I passed on your improvement request to our Product team for consideration. However, I can’t promise you that it will be implemented really soon, so switching to GitHub Actions is a good alternative :slightly_smiling_face: