Hello! I try configure .yml file to upload sources file into crowdin project.
Somthing like this:
“preserve_hierarchy”: true
“base_url”: “https://api.crowdin.com”
“files”: [
“source”: “/AppText/",
“translation”: “content-app/AppText/%two_letters_code%.json”
“source”: "/Buddy/articles/**//.”,
“translation”: “content-app/Buddy/articles/%two_letters_code%/**//.*”
I’m not able to upload .png files from folder content-app/Buddy/articles/images/exmp.png. Could you help me. I see that format . png not support but I can upload them as asserts, how I can setup this correctly. I use Android studio to upload all sources files into crowdin project (use Crowding plugin)
PS: Localize project content with all the graphics (pictures, logos, non-textual files) in one place. File formats that are not supported by Crowdin (e.g., .png, .psd, .jpeg) will be uploaded as assets.
Note: There is an option to add custom formats instead of using assets. Get in touch with our support team to know more details or workarounds available.
Yes, you are right. The .png files can be added to Crowdin as assets.
I noticed that there are incorrect export patterns and thus the files are not added to Crowdin. Export pattern can’t contain any of the following characters: * ? : \" < > |]"
Can you please try removing the extra / in the source and translation paths? Please give it a try and let me know the result,
Ok, I got. How I can ignore all .png (or folder with images) if I have structure:
Lesson: [1] : {
imagesFolder [1.png, 2.png …]
[2] : {
imagesFolder [1.png,2.png …]
Thank You for answer! I have {
“@@locale”: “en”,
“welcomeTitle”: “Welcome to {projectName}”,
“@welcomeTitle”: {
“description”: “This is a welcome message.”,
“placeholders”: {
“projectName”: {
“type”: “String”,
“example”: “***”
after crowdin translates and push me {
“@@locale”: “en”,
“welcomeTitle”: “Welcome to {projectName}”,
and projectName parameter doesn’t set in my ui (flutter app), may be I’ve forgot something include into bundle setup