Yml configuration for upload source files into Crowdin project

Hello! I try configure .yml file to upload sources file into crowdin project.
Somthing like this:
“preserve_hierarchy”: true
“base_url”: “https://api.crowdin.com

“files”: [
“source”: “/AppText/",
“translation”: “content-app/AppText/%two_letters_code%.json”
“source”: "/Buddy/articles/**/
“translation”: “content-app/Buddy/articles/%two_letters_code%/**//.*”
I’m not able to upload .png files from folder content-app/Buddy/articles/images/exmp.png. Could you help me. I see that format . png not support but I can upload them as asserts, how I can setup this correctly. I use Android studio to upload all sources files into crowdin project (use Crowding plugin)

PS: Localize project content with all the graphics (pictures, logos, non-textual files) in one place. File formats that are not supported by Crowdin (e.g., .png, .psd, .jpeg) will be uploaded as assets.

Note: There is an option to add custom formats instead of using assets. Get in touch with our support team to know more details or workarounds available.

Hi @AntoninaLehka :wave:

Yes, you are right. The .png files can be added to Crowdin as assets.

I noticed that there are incorrect export patterns and thus the files are not added to Crowdin. Export pattern can’t contain any of the following characters: * ? : \" < > |]"

Can you please try removing the extra / in the source and translation paths? Please give it a try and let me know the result,

Ok, I got. How I can ignore all .png (or folder with images) if I have structure:
Lesson: [1] : {
imagesFolder [1.png, 2.png …]
[2] : {
imagesFolder [1.png,2.png …]


You can add an ignore parameter to your configuration file:

Hi @AntoninaLehka!

Please try to specify a more precise source pattern instead of a * wildcard.

The mentioned ignore option is currently not supported in the Android Studio plugin.

Thank You for answer! I have {
“@@locale”: “en”,
“welcomeTitle”: “Welcome to {projectName}”,
@welcomeTitle”: {
“description”: “This is a welcome message.”,
“placeholders”: {
“projectName”: {
“type”: “String”,
“example”: “***”
after crowdin translates and push me {
“@@locale”: “en”,
“welcomeTitle”: “Welcome to {projectName}”,
and projectName parameter doesn’t set in my ui (flutter app), may be I’ve forgot something include into bundle setup

Hi @a.lehka , let us double-check this

I’ve handle this. Setup new distribution configuration with Export options - > Original file format. Important create new one not edit existed.

Hi @a.lehka ,

Glad to hear you handled this. Thanks for letting us know and sharing the details