Xliff tags ordering inside android strings

I am unable to reorder the xliff tags inside android xml string. (Note that in android anything under xliff tags are instructed to be not translated.)

Sample string
<xliff:g id=“t1”>test1</xliff:g> <xliff:g id=“t2”>test2</xliff:g>

Sample translation
<xliff:g id=“t2”>test2</xliff:g> <xliff:g id=“t1”>test1</xliff:g>

<xliff:g id=“t2”>test2</xliff:g> should not be translated

I have turned off all QA checks and still the editor won’t let me reorder the xliff tags. This is a weird enforcement that in all language all words should appear in the same order that they do in original language.

Hello @ankur.jain

Sorry for leaving your post without a reply - we missed the notification for some reason.

The fix for your issue (48594) should be released soon, theoretically even this week. We will inform you once it’s done.

Happy to say that our developers have improved the behaviour on the platform and now you can replace the tags in translations. You’re welcome to give it a try.