What does Write access allow for the Project / Translations scope?

Is there a list of which endpoints are allowed by enabling Write access for Project / Translations?

I’m trying to convince my team to open up API access for our Crowdin project, and I need to make the argument that enabling Read and Write permissions for Project / Translations won’t be destructive.


Hi @SullySullenbergerRun,

We don’t have a list of such API methods. You can tell us what API methods you are using/planning to use and we will tell you the needed permissions.

Generally, all methods that modify the project require Write permission.

Oh that’s unfortunate, we’re just planning to use the Build Project Translations endpoint, but the team is not willing to grant write access unless I can provide a full list of what the write access for that scope can do. Security concerns :slight_smile:

Hi @SullySullenbergerRun just found a similar request for project translations and the team is considering changing this. We will keep track on it and will let you know once we have any updates (whether this will be changed or not)

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Thank you, Ira! I’ll keep monitoring this thread