When we update strings with grammer changes, fix typos or edit texts in strings that are already in crowdin, it doesnt seem to set said strings “dirty” in any way, meaning there is no update to the community about said strings having changes in them making updates really hard to manage because we have to manually keep track of updated strings and let the translators know
We use the newest Unity plugin to push and pull strings from Crowdin
perhaps there is a way, but i have searched and couldn’t find anything about the subject
If there is a way, please let me know
if there isnt a way, then consider this a feature request
Hi @JacobFunday at the moment it is possible to use the advanced filet in the editor to check the updated strings
but our team informed that we are already working on improving the behaviour (to make it easier to track changes)
we will let you know once there are updates (int.51338)
ok, but yeah thats not great because it leaves it up to the individual user
the best case would probably be a setting or popup on upload in the unity plugin where you can choose to remove old translations so users can see they need to be retranslated
and then keep the old translation as reference
Hi @JacobFunday, we plan to implement such a setting on the plugin side as well, so that users can control how existing translations are handled when updating source strings.