- Platform (static site generator): Docusaurus
- File format: mdx (v3)
- Project & sample file location: kaia-docs > public-recover-msg.mdx
- Sample file download (If you compare two files, you can see the difference)
- Symptom: Crowdin changes some of mdx syntaxes unexpectedly when generating translation mdx files from source mdx files. Specifically, the original block is as follows:
Import the **@klaytn/web3js-ext** packages to add klaytn features on web3
But Crowdin renders it like the following in any of translation language. I can see numerous instances that show this behavior:
## </CH.Code>
Import the **@klaytn/web3js-ext** packages to add klaytn features on web3
As a result, it causes mdx compilation error when building the site:
Error: MDX compilation failed for file "./kaia-docs/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/references/sdk/web3js-ext/account-management/sign-message/public-recover-msg.mdx"
Cause: Expected the closing tag `</CH.Code>` either after the end of `atxHeading` (52:14) or another opening tag after the start of `atxHeading` (52:1)
Thanks in advance.