Translation stopped working on my website, I have no idea why


A couple of months ago I completed a project where I used Crowdin’s Webflow integration to translate a website for a client into multiple languages. I applied the translations via the integration and everything was working fine.

However, my client has now alerted me that the translations no longer appear on their website (they were still there at least a month ago) and I can’t figure out why. The language switcher is still their, I can open it, but when a I click on another language, all the content on the site stays in the original language.

I double-checked the code snippet i pasted on the site, the integration, publishing the translations again… Everything seems to be in order and I can’t find a way to get my site working properly again.

Grateful for any help.

Hi @david_sykora !

Please share with us the ID and the name of the project where you have faced with this issue.

Looking forward to your kind reply,

The project is called VETTRONIC and it’s ID is 610375.

Dear @david_sykora !

We have checked everything from our side and noticed that only 44-45% of the extracted content from your site was translated in Crowdin. Please translate all the strings and then the translation will be visible in your website.
