Translation Skipped: Overcoming Queue and Limit Challenges in the 'Water-Display New' Project

Hello, I have a problem with translating the ‘water-display new’ project on my account. Yesterday, we exceeded the word or file limit, but I’m not sure which one. All files have been deleted, yet even when uploading a single file, the issue persists. Translations are being queued and automatically skipped. Could I please ask for your help in unlocking the translations?

Hi @d.lisiakiewicz

It seems that the project is not suspended. Could you please check and confirm this on your end?

I still can’t translate any of the files in this project, I’ve tried different file extensions (.po .pot) but I still have the same problem, it’s also not related to the length of the file because I’ve tried on a file that contains 13 words and the same problem occurs. The file is definitely working as I have already managed to translate it into two languages

Hi @d.lisiakiewicz

Could you please share a screenshot or video recording to clarify what you mean? From my side, I can confirm that your project is not suspended, but I have a feeling we might not be on the same page.

If you’re not comfortable sharing it here, you can send it to

Evening what is the language you are trying to translate?