Translate Vue Application


I’m using Vue and I use Vue I18n. Since CrowdIn seems to be a gold sponsor on the vue i18n project, I’m wondering if there is an easy integration to export localizations from CrowdIn into the Vue I18n format.

I found a snippet for the customer bundle generator here: Custom Bundle Generator - Crowdin Marketplace but this seems very bare bone.

I hope someone can guide me in the right direction here.
Thanks so much in advance!

Hello @zellmer

Sorry for taking so long to reply, it seems we missed your post.

Well, the bundle generator should work fine for Vue websites. There’s also a need to make a small adjustment from the website side, here’s the guide → Translate & localize VuePress | Make VuePress website multilingual

Have you tried it? Do you experience any issues with the process or would you like to propose some improvements that might come in handy? We’d be glad to assist!