The refresh token is not included in the OAuth response for a Crowdin app

Hello, I’m creating a private app, and when performing the “install” process, I try to retrieve the access_token through OAuth (a request to with grant_type set to crowdin_app). It returns the access_token, which expires in 2 hours, but it does not return any refresh_token, meaning that after 2 hours, my private app will stop working.

I tried using authorization_code as the grant_type, but it doesn’t even return the access_token.

To give more context, this is the response:

  token_type: 'Bearer',
  expires_in: 7200,
  access_token: 'token...'

I’m following this docs: Quick Start | Developer Portal

  const oauthPayload = {
    grant_type: "crowdin_app",
    client_id: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
    client_secret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
    app_id: req.body.appId,
    app_secret: req.body.appSecret,
    domain: req.body.domain,
    user_id: req.body.userId,

  const token = await, oauthPayload);

Hi @kavehome , let us check this with the tech team and come back

Thx! I’ve been reviewing this, and I think we might want to update the documentation. While it mentions the refresh token, it later states that if the token expires, a new access token must be generated in the same way as the original one.

I’ll try to submit a PR on your GitHub to update the documentation

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This grant type does not require a refresh token. crowdin_app grant type uses a special flow. indeed, if you call this method again, a new token would be issued.

Crowdin has an application development framework (currently not public). This framework abstracts a lot of the API away from the developer and allows you to focus on the features you want to develop. I highly recommend a quick call with the team where we can give you a presentation and also provide all the SDKs.

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