Suggestion: missing link to file in activity stream


when i am looking to proofread the project with many files and folders, i need to some quick way to see which files was recently modified having new translations waiting for approval.

The activity stream shows that (after enabling filter and selecting my language and expanding appropriate activity event):
crowdin d00t com/project/proton-core-localization/activity-stream

But when there is too many translated strings, i do not want to open one by one to approve it, but instead click the file name displayed on the right. This will also save bandwidth, your server work and my PC work i guess. But i am unable to click the file name. Can you please add hyperlink under file name?

Hello @slrslr Iā€™m not sure about bandwidth saving, if there are 200+ proofreaders clicking the same links probably it could overload it a little.

Personally I use advanced filter ā†’ all files within all languages ā†’ time added + show unapproved first.
If you dont turn off macbook filtered selection is saved and all is needed it to reload the page.

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Hello there, it sounds like a possible feature request, so Iā€™d recommend submitting this idea here:

Iā€™m sure in case it gets enough votes it will be reviewed by the product team.

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