Settings for Rmarkdown files

I tried to apply the md API to my Rmd files using GitHub sync.
But I found out that it is currently impossible to achieve this in Crowdin while keeping the original Rmd file format.
Therefore, I am trying to set custom segmentation for Rmd where the txt API is applied.
If anyone is considering a similar approach for translating Rmd files, I would appreciate any recommended settings. Thank you!


Hi @kozo.nishida ,

I see you contacted our team a day ago regarding .Rmd files and as a solution it was suggested to use File Type Modifier app

I’m afraid this is the only solution at the moment, sorry!

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Hi @Roman ,

In our projects (Bioconductor and The Carpentries),
we need to translate Rmd without modifying the file type.
Therefore, I had to give up on using File Type Modifier app.
Instead, I would like to upload an SRX file for Markdown to the segmentation app.
(I will apply it to the Rmd files [recognized as txt].)
If you know of an SRX for Markdown, could you share it in this community?

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Hi @kozo.nishida ! You are welcome to take a look at the articles attached, where it is described how to set up the segmentation rules:

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Hi, I’m working with @kozo.nishida on this project.

I have some clarifications to make – I think we may actually be able to use the File Type Modifier app, but we need some help.

I have successfully set it up to import .Rmd files as with these settings:

These files then get parsed as .md in the editor, as desired.

(Aside: Why I am limited to one image and two links? It makes it difficult to communicate what we need help with, which seems rather counterproductive).

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(Continuing a new message, so I can post more images and links :upside_down_face:)

The problem is exporting the translated file back out (we need to change it back to .Rmd for our project). We are using GitHub integrations. I have set up the Regex Content Processor tool to change the file to .Rmd like this:

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However, the problem we have now is that the translated file does not show up at all in our GitHub repo ( We have configured it so that translations should appear in the folder %two_letters_code%/episodes/%original_file_name%

… but the episodes/ folder is completely missing if you look at

Any suggestions for this workflow would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi @joelnitta ! As far as I can see, the preview is opened for the source files. Could you please share the screenshot of the preview for the translated files?

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Hi @Tania
I tried applying the ‘typical SRX file’ from that article to our

, but it seemed not to consolidate multi-line sentences into a single segmentation.

I also think that the rules generated by the rule generator are very limited.

Could you provide more examples of SRX, not just Custom Segmentation | Crowdin Documentation ?

Ideally, I would like an SRX that performs segmentation in the same way as the md API to be shared within the community.

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That is precisely what I tried to post earlier :slight_smile:

Dear @joelnitta ! Please contact us via We will be glad to provide you further assistance there :wink:

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