Restore apptoved progress


I needed to update the “Escaping characters” setting. The topic advised to upload a new file to apply the setting. I deleted the current file and the translations were deleted along with it. I uploaded the file again and uploaded the translations, but the confirmation progress for them was reset, and I paid for it. Please help me restore it and set the setting correctly so that there are no “Escaping characters” in the translations that I download.

You can try restoring your translations by running a pre-translation via Translation Memory ™. This should retrieve previously confirmed translations.
Here’s how to do it: Applying Translation Memory via Pre-translation

Unfortunately, the confirmation progress cannot be restored, but you can bulk-approve the translations, restored from the TM by switching to the side-by-side view of the editor (View → Side-by-side).

Regarding the Parser configuration options, mentioned by my colleague on the Crowdin Community Forum, he meant that first this option should be set and only after that - the source file be uploaded. So yes, you will need to delete the source file - then set the settings - then upload again. But, please, make sure that you have saved the translations beforehand. You can just download translations from the “Translations” Tab, and then upload the file with translations by using the option “Upload existing translations”.