Request to add Interlingua to Crowdin supported languages list


Currently we translate some projects hosted at Crowdin (i. e. Mastodon) to Interlingua, but in another projects, their project managers can’t or refused to add this language because is not officially supported by you and/or because they don’t know how to add a custom language (i.e. LineageOS)

So i want to request you to add Interlingua to your supported languages list. If ido, klingon, lojban, “lolcat” and" Pirate english" are supported, why Interlingua don’t.

Hi @Softinterlingua,

Currently adding new target languages is not on our road map. Sorry for bringing it to you! Please consider adding this language as a custom language. We have a guide here Changing Target Languages | Crowdin Documentation. I need to note that only the project owner can create custom languages.