Proyecto suspendido

Mi proyecto dice estar suspendido por superar los limites de mi plan cuando nunca hemos excedido ningún límite.

Your current account usage is a little more that 600,000 hosted words, while the Free plan limit is 60,000. You can check it here:

Hosted words = target languages X source words, so you need to delete some source content, or remove a few target languages in order to stay within the 60,000 limit.

Imposible, únicamente estoy de colaborador en un proyecto que no es mío, el proyecto de mi propiedad es público y no alcanza 40000 palabras. Debe haber un error.


Entoces segun mis cuentas solo puedo traducir a un único idioma?

It applies to only projects owned by you, and the project owned by you has more than 600,000 hosted words.

The limitation of 60,000 is for the total account usage. You can have 6 public projects, each 10,000 hosted words, or 1 public project with 60,000 hosted words.

If your source file has 60,000 words inside, then yes, you can have only 1 source language at a time.

You’re welcome to take a look at our pricing and explore the plan with more hosted words.

ok, gracias, deberían explicar eso mejor al crearse alguien una cuenta ya que tenían entendido que solo el archivo origen del proyecto era el que no debía pasar de 60.000 palabras sin importar cuantos idiomas se quieran traducir.

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Once the account is created, it is granted 14 days unlimited Free Trial (this is different from the Free plan), which is totally unlimited. Probably you just haven’t noticed the moment you’ve exceeded the limits. We have a warning notification about this.