Pre-translate via MT on free account disappeared

Hello, to get off the ground we have simply been using Pre-translation via Machine Translation feature. A few days ago, I tried this feature and it’s disabled, but I don’t understand why. I have attached screenshots of what I see. Can you help?

Hi @cadence

Crowdin MT is available only for projects with Global TM enabled or during the trial period.

Please activate Global TM in order to use Crowdin MT

Wow, that was fast, thank you! Is this Global MT you’re referring to? It looks enabled to me:

Is there something else? It is sounding like our trial is up, but without any messaging to indicate as such.

No, Global TM can be activated on the project level, for each project separately

About Trial, only the project Owner sees the notification “Trial ends in (number of) days”

Global TM looks activated to me— Anything I should be looking for here?

We’re on the Free plan. I’m guessing it’s an expired trial, though, I am the Owner, I have not seen any notification for “Trial ends in (number of) days” indication.

I don’t see any Crowdin Com account associated with your email, can you provide me with project ID or project name, so I can check via my database?

Thank you! Project ID: 682524

Thanks! Checked from my side - all is activated and works well.

If you check Crowdin MT language pairs you will see support of English - Spanish, but in your project there’s a dialect version, not Spanish (es-ES).

If you want to use Crowdin MT please make sure your project source language and target languages are in the list of supported language pairs

Okay interesting, I’ve not changed this configuration since setting it up and have been using it for several months. As you can see in the screenshot below, 72% of the project has previously been translated to es_US in this fashion!

I’m wondering if something could have changed on the CrowdIn side?

We’ll check everything from our side and update you as soon as possible

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Thanks @Tetiana and @Dima!

Hello @cadence

We’ve double-checked from our end, and yes, there was a change in Crowdin MT logic.

In the past, Crowdin MT allowed the translation of dialects in the Editor, because in the Editor translator could evaluate the quality of the translation and correct them if needed. The pre-translate worked for some time as well, but the quality of the translations was unreliable.

As of now, there is a list of supported languages, and pre-translate via Crowdin MT works strictly in these language pairs.

Hello, is there a way to map my email templates translated by CrowdIn for es_ES to es_US for synchronization back to PostMark? My app relies on template aliases like es-us-my-template in PostMark, but I am now only allowed to use es_ES in CrowdIn, resulting in es-es-my-template.

I have set up a Language Mapping, but it doesn’t seem to impact the PostMark integration.

How can I map these somehow such that I don’t need to alter my code handling to make way for a CrowdIn limitation?

Hello @cadence

You can use Translation memory for this:

All you will need to do is download the existing TM, change language codes in dedicated columns, re-upload it as a new TM, and run TM pre-translate to fulfill the translations