Missing almost 30% of translations

I am importing already translated content into 14 languages for a structured android xml based schema.
However from github import, almost loosing 30% of the translated content in the project. Its random for each language.

Uploading manually for each file with translated content also doesn’t help and it misses the exact same keys.

Hi @ankur.jain ,

Maybe the translations match with the source text or the source strings are hidden, this is one of the options. In such cases, if translations are imported via UI, API, or CLI, there are additional import options

To check your case, can you please share with us the source file and the translation file in one language so that we can test from our side and tell you the exact reason? You can share files with us by sending us a message at support@crowdin.com

I already have a support ticket sent at the above mentioned email and no one has resolved it in 8 days now. Hence a community post.

Hi @ankur.jain!

Sorry for the inconvenience! As I can see my colleague is working on your case. We’ll try to resolve the issue as soon as possible!

Experiencing the same issue with Android XMLs, it seems like strings with XLIFF tags are skipped during upload regardless of the import options in UI/CLI.

Hi @ankur.jain , thank you for additional information, we’re checking this

This could be similar to a problem I had uploading .strings files (iOS/macOS files); see Undocumented change in API v2 and website behavior when uploading a .strings file.