We are using the GitHub integration to import regular text files containing a key-value pair per line. Since our repository contains many other text files that are not translation relevant we created empty file markers in the past with the only purpose to mark the source file as “relevant for translation”.
In other words, we have something like:
Is there a way to search for _4loc.txt files and import the respective .txt files without importing the irrelevant ones. I did not find a way with the plain GitHub integration and also not with the pre-import plugin which seams to treat each file sandboxed.
If I got you right, the simple source/translation file path editing would work for you.
To include only specific files like _4loc.txt for translation and exclude others, you can utilize the source parameter in your Crowdin configuration file to define patterns that match the files you want to import from GitHub.
You can either include only relevant_4loc.txt into the source path (can be multiple) or exclude all other files while keeping the source path default.
The XXX_4loc.txt file is empty, it’s only the marker for the file XXX.txt to be for translation. Simply said: I want the import to know: If there is a *_4loc.txt file, I consider *.txt for import, otherwise ignore that file.
I did not find a way to import the *.txt file based on the existence of the respective *_4loc.txt. In previous solutions, we filtered all txt files to have a set of _4loc.txt files and then imported their respective “base” files, the ones without _4loc.txt.
Thank you for the clarification. Currently, our platform does not support conditional imports based on the presence of a marker file. The only solution would be, as Dima already mentioned in the previous message, to use the “ignore” option in the configuration file
Is it planned to add a feature to allow conditional imports? If not, is it possible to get access to resources on file system level? An optimum would be to have access to the resources right after syncing from GitHub and before the actual import. I saw there are a few apps available in the store that allow to modify files before import (e.g., Crowdin Enterprise). But as far as I can see they are on per-file level.
Should it be possible to implement my own app that can make use of the existing GitHub integration and prepares the files to our needs (remove those without _4loc identifier) before importing them?
Sorry, but conditional imports are not currently a feature. If you are using the GitHub integration you may specify the conditions of the import directly in your configuration file as my colleague mentioned before. You may use the ignore parameter and also specify the source file path according to your needs.
Just to be with you on the same page. Could you please describe once again the desired result you want to get and why the proposed solution doesn’t cover your needs?
got it, it’s not a feature right now. But is conditional import planned to become a feature?
Here the description summarized:
We import from GitHub
We have many *.txt files
Those relevant for translation are marked with *_4loc.txt, for example strings_4loc.txt
Those NOT relevant for translation don’t have the 4loc, for example license.txt
In our repository, we have about 22,500 txt files; about 18,000 of them are translation relevant (~1,300 are marked with _4loc, the remaining 16,700 are translated files).
Following the approach of maintaining an ignore-list would mean to maintain a list of ~4,500 files which is highly error prone. That’s why it’s not really an option for us.
There is another alternative: Moving all the content of these files to the 4loc file and take this as source, i.e., filter for _4loc.txt and import only those. However, this would mean to implement many changes on product side.
That’s why we are looking for an approach to perform conditional imports, either via already existing app or by implementing a custom app, if possible.
Thank you for the explanation! For this purpose we recommend using patterns to import only specific files. Please kindly take a look at the attached article:
If additional assistance is needed please let us know!
using patterns would only help if the _4loc.txt files contain the strings to import? In our case _4loc files are empty, the files with no marker contain the strings, here an example:
Hi @dominicb
Just to be on the same page, you mentioned that files with the *_4loc.txt is relevant for translations and should be imported to Crowdin, so they shouldn’t be empty, am I right?
So with the patterns you can import only *_4loc.txt files for localization
Could you please give it a try and let us know about the result?
Just a quick update on this topic. The development team has confirmed that we do not have any apps that could help with your case and cannot do anything from our side. Your approach is unconventional
On your end, you can try writing a custom script that will regenerate the configuration file for integration