Markdown parser problem in code chunk

I have found a case where the Crowdin Markdown parser does not work well.
It can be found in Crowdin Enterprise ,

In the, the source text

is replaced to

in the translation.

In our project, the replacements “```” and “````” are at issue.

Does anyone have any ideas to solve the above problem?

Hi @kozo.nishida !

Would you be so kind to attach your source file and the file with translations so we will be able to check everything from our side?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Tania ,

I attached our source file and the file with translations to this reply.



Thanks in advance!

By the way, the reason I put the image instead of the Markdown text is because I could not find out how to display the original Markdown in this text box.

Hi Kozo,

Thank you for sharing details,

We will fix this behaviour. Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can use the Regex app to replace “````” with “```” on export.

(The internal task number for the support team to track the issue 50949)

Hi Olena,

The replacement “````” with “```” on export seems to work well.
But the replacement circled in red in the attached image did not work.
Any advice on how to get it to work?

Hi @kozo.nishida !

Let us please check this from our side!

Will update you once we have any news!

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Hi @kozo.nishida !

Coming back to you as promised! Could you please try to set the Regex rules as on the attached screenshot and let us know about the result?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi @Tania

I set the Regex rules as on your screenshot.
It seems to be working well!

Thank you!