Latest translations keep getting reverted

Hello, first of all sory if this is not the correct place to post this but i couldnt find any better.
I’ve been using Crowdin for a while now and have the exact same implementation on 2 projects, with the exact same issue, that is that when i upload new keys to crowdin the translations i did on the last batch get reverted which is pretty annoying.

I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my implementation but i’ve not been able to find a workaround so im posting it here in case it helps you find out what I’m doing wrong.

My workflow works like this:
In a node application I have one sources file and 2 translation files, one for german and one for english.

      'source': '/resources/sources/*.json',
      'translation': '/resources/%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%',

then i have the following scripts on the package json:

    "extract": "i18next-scanner --config i18next-scanner.config.js --output ./resources",
    "upload": "crowdin upload",
    "download": "crowdin download",

So, the extraction works alright, but one thing i noticed is that the sources always get defaulted to “Translate” and after the first time I translate them on crowdin they change to whatever I used on the source language (eng) and if then I re-upload them they get lost as the source changed, but im not sure how I’m supposed to handle this files or avoid them being modified.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Hi @nmazitelli ! This is the default behavior: if the source is changed, then the system “understands” that the translation should be added again (it should be different now based on the new source text). If you want to keep the translation for the changed text, you may use one of the update options here:

This will work if you change the source text. If you change the string key, then I’m afraid the translation will be lost since when the key is changed, it is considered as totally new string

Hope this will help

Hello Ira, thank you very much this did in fact solve my issue! This is exactly what i was looking for. :raised_hands: