Key is appended to context (when importing a CSV file)

I imported the csv file in Crowdin.

I am not sure why the app is appending key to the context string. My CSV file doesn’t have key appended to context. How to fix this issue? See the screenshot below:

Thanks for help.

Hi @manobal,

The system duplicates the identifier/key in the context field, this is just such a display on the platform. But don’t worry, on the file export you won’t have this in the Context column if you have one🙌🏻

Hi @Roman!
Unfortunately, this is not true with a JSON String Exporter on a string-based project. I believe there is also the same issue with a Crowdin API.
It would be nice if it could be configured.

Hello @Nikita

While some applications don’t work with Strings-based projects, the mentioned bundle (JSON strings exported) is definitely compatible with SB projects. Can you please provide some extra info, on what went wrong using this Bundle?

As for API, this is calls for Strings-based projects and all of them should work as well:

Hi @Dima. I went a way that I described in this post.

When I use JSON String Exporter with this pattern

  "%identifier%": {
    "message": "%translation%",
    "description": "%context%"

In a final bundle every “description” field starts with a copy of “%identifier%\n”.

Dear @Nikita

I see you’re also having a conversation with our representative via email. I’ve added this discussion as a note to the existing chat. We’ll double-check the exporter’s behavior and update you by email once we have answers.

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