JSON String Exporter: Files were not exported. Custom format endpoint is unreachable

Hi, I’m trying to export my string translations out as JSON using the JSON String Exporter.

This was working perfectly fine until about an hour or so ago with the API and doing it manually in the “Download” bundle section

Now it just keeps failing with the following message “JSON String Exporter: Files were not exported. Custom format endpoint is unreachable”

My Project ID is 743737

Hi @wonkenstein

Could you please record a short video showing the steps you take so we can reproduce the issue on our side? Alternatively, you can share a screenshot of the app configuration. If you’re not comfortable sharing it here, feel free to send it to support@crowdin.com.

Hi Olena,

I’ve just tried this morning and it’s working again.

The settings hadn’t been changed from last night so I’m not sure what’s happened.

Below is a screenshot of the unsuccessful API call from last night made with Postman

Will reach out again if this happens again.

Below is a screenshot of the successful API call from this morning made with Postman.

Had to post this in another reply as was restricted to one image per reply