Json indentation after github sync

Hi, i am facing an issue regarding the formatting of my json files, after going through crowdin and coming back, the space based indentation is changed to tabulations

I tried changing the parser settings for json files to different settings (json or i18next) but i got the same result after running the sync again. Can someone help me ?

Hi @Draft87,

Is there any chance you could send us the source file and also let us know the project name in Crowdin?

Hi @TaniaM , thanks for your help.
I’ll try to provide as much relevant information as I can.
Here is the link to the project Draftbot dashboard in Crowdin
Here is the repo on github GitHub - DraftBot-A-Discord-Adventure/DraftBot: A Discord adventure bot that speaks english and french
The branch we are syncing for translations is draftbot-v5
As you can see in github the indentation of the json files is done with space, it was working fine :slight_smile:

I had an issue where my linter replaced the spaces with tabs by mistake. This commit was removed afterward and we want to use space for those json files. But now crowdin wants to replace everything with tabulations.


I have deleted all my source string and the crowdin branch in github.
Then started the sync again
And it fixed the issue. Probably a bug somewhere, but at least my issue is fixed now

Dear @Draft87 , thank you for the update and we’re glad that now everything is working well on your side :slightly_smiling_face:

Should you have any other questions - feel free to contact us

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