Is it possible to transfer projects between organizations?

Is it possible to transfer a Crowdin project between different organizations?

For example, I would like to move a project in to

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Unfortunately, projects cannot be directly transferred between accounts. However, you can recreate the project under the main account by following these steps:

  1. Download source files and translations from the current project.
  2. Download Translation Memory
  3. Create a list of participants’ usernames/permissions and then re-invite them into the new project.
  4. Recreate the project under the main account at: Crowdin
  5. Re-upload sources, translations, and TM into the new project. If necessary, you can run pre-translate via TM to auto-translate the strings.

Hope this information is helpful!


Thanks @Tetiana

Thanks for the info.
I understood it is not easy.
I will try to manage the project so that I can avoid transferring as much as possible.

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