Insufficient balance, when using OpenAI own API key

Hi, I’ve set up OpenAI provider with our own API key, but when trying to use it I get Insufficient balance error (in AI Editor).
From the console:

  "error": true,
  "acl_error": true,
  "success": false,
  "type": 1,
  "msg": "This action is not allowed. Please <a href=\"/contacts\">contact our support team</a> for more details."

The same happens with Pre-translate.

From the Service Logs I’ve found this error message:
Your current managed MT and AI balance is insufficient to continue using the service.

    "message": "Insufficient balance",
    "aiPromptId": 102795,
    "aiPromptTitle": "AI in editor"

Am I supposed to have a balance to use my own API key?

Hi @levochka , yes, the project owner needs to top up the balance in the account settings (since there is a Managed by Crowdin option turned on):

Doesn’t look turned on for me.

Dear @levochka , you are a manager in the project, only project owners should set up the AI providers

@Natalia After project owner set up the AI provider everything is working, thank you. You should probably mention this in the AI providers screen.

Dear @levochka , great to hear that everything is working now