I get a false postive on a bit silly "QA" issue with 'apos' usage

The source of my ts files is the Qt translation framework and when my code-sources contain a word like “don’t” it generates “don't”.
This works Ok for the most part,

except that crowdin gives me a QA error when the source string has this html tag, but the target string does not. Which is obviously not an actual QA error.

Can this be fixed by the site owners so I can avoid false positive QA issues?


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Hi @Flowee,

You can ask the project owner to switch the QA checks for Tags mismatches from Error to Warning.

When the QA checks are set to Warning you will see a pop-out window that tags are missing in the translation, but you still will be able to save such a translation,

Attaching a screenshot:

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Thank you, I did that indeed.

I’m just someone that would like to get all QA issues cleaned up and approving a translation with this issue feels wrong since I don’t know (in this case) Spanish.

I noticed today I’ve been ignoring QA issues for a while because of this false-positive and some actual issues slipped through. (added space at the end of a translation, which is a great QA warning!)

I hope the developers can put this on the backlog for fixing properly and not making it a QA issue in the first place.

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Hi @Flowee

The QA checks are general for all file formats and while in .ts files it might not be a problem to miss some tags in other file formats the missing tags will make the file invalid. But I will pass on this feedback to the Product team.