I can't join any projects when I set language as Chinese(Simplified)

Hello guys, I’m a starter of crowdin, when I want join a project, I waited about 1min, then chrome tell me “crowdin.com redirected you too many times” with error code “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT”.
then I tried clear cookies, flush DNS and change a network.
At last, when I writing issue while looking for similar cases, I try to switch language to English, then it suddenly solved. (OMO)
Is it a problem of crowdin? I really want know it. thx

btw I have no idea which tags should I choose so I chose most similar one.

Hello @Kar98kyj ,

Could you please share some more details on the matter? So you changed the language code in the URL of the project and everything worked? Would you please also let us know the project named?

crowdin.com redirected you too many times” with error code “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT”.
this is all details I can share. I didn’t use any software (such like VPN) can you remind me of any other information that can be provided?
and about language I mean website(UI) language not the project language.

Hi @Kar98kyj , could you please kindly record a video for us with the browser’s console tab opened and share it? You may share it via support@crowdin.com

thx for reply so fast, I just tried again join a project when I using Chinese(Simplified) then I found I can join any project normally, that’s weird.
can I do anything now? or close this issue?

It’s great to hear that you can join projects normally when using Chinese (Simplified). If everything is working fine now, there’s no need for further action, and we can consider this issue closed. However, if you encounter any other issues or have questions in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out.