How to use machine translate API keys in project as a member not owner?

How to use machine translate API keys in project as a member not owner?

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As manager it’s possible, as owner as well. Maybe as a develop also, but I’m not sure.

Machine translation has the API key, Owner can see it. Just ask owner to provide you with that key (like copy paste and send to you) so if you run CLI or API you use your account access key (API key) + that credential when pre translating.

If you question about just adding the MT engine, you need to do this form owner account.

Why can’t I use the MT engine as a tool for translation members? I want to choose my own engine, use my own key, and pay for the API fee myself. This is a reasonable feature request. I hope Crowdin support it.

I assume it’s expected that project owner configure engines for his or her own projects. In Crowdin Enterprise admin can also do this, because has same rights.

I suppose it’s bound on some privacy settings or logic. Like, adding the key from MT engine is like 1 minute work. Then this key can be shared with all managers so they can run the pre translate when needed.

Translators always see the MT suggestions in editor, so it’s also not the point.

I don’t think that this will be changed at leat in the nearest future.

exactly! was just about to make a thread about this
i have access to lots of APIs but i can’t seem to use them