Hi, I would like to integrate Crowdin plugin with my Android project. Right now I have only two languages: Polish and English. I would like to set Polish as my source language in Crowdin, but it is in values-pl/strings.xml folder in my project structure. Simultaneously I have my English resource as default for my app in values/strings.xml. I want to keep this structure as it is right now since English should be the default as an international language. Is it possible?
I tried to do this in few different ways, but always it seems to break my configuration.
My crowdin.yml:
project_id: secret
api_token: secret
preserve_hierarchy: true
- source: "/mobile-framework/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml"
translation: "/mobile-framework/src/main/res/values%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%"
- android
en: ""
pl: -pl
I tried a little trick by forcing override English language mapping: en: ""
. It doesn’t seems to work:
Translation file '
*****mobile-framework\src\main\res\valuesen\strings.xml' is missing in the project