How to set source from translation resource path for Android?

Hi, I would like to integrate Crowdin plugin with my Android project. Right now I have only two languages: Polish and English. I would like to set Polish as my source language in Crowdin, but it is in values-pl/strings.xml folder in my project structure. Simultaneously I have my English resource as default for my app in values/strings.xml. I want to keep this structure as it is right now since English should be the default as an international language. Is it possible?
I tried to do this in few different ways, but always it seems to break my configuration.
My crowdin.yml:

project_id: secret
api_token: secret

preserve_hierarchy: true

  - source: "/mobile-framework/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml"
    translation: "/mobile-framework/src/main/res/values%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%"
      - android
        en: ""
        pl: -pl

I tried a little trick by forcing override English language mapping: en: "". It doesn’t seems to work:

Translation file '
*****mobile-framework\src\main\res\valuesen\strings.xml' is missing in the project

Hello @szymong!

If you have only two languages in your project, you can set the translation path to values/strings.xml without language mapping. Have you tried that or would that not be suitable for you?

Hello. I’ve tried. Translation was put in \values-en\strings.xml. But default string resource is \values\string.xml And if for example on phone set french locale, then \values\string.xml will be used, not translated one

Hello @m2034

If I got you right, you want to somehow override the default Android configuration and have 2 source languages, Polish and English. It’s not possible, unfortunately (well, maybe it is, but this should be done from the application side, you can’t set it up in Crowdin).

What you can do, is have a workflow with a source language switcher (Crowdin Enterprise) or use 2 project approach (Crowdin Com). With 2nd option, you will have 1 project Polish → English and 2nd project English → All other languages.