How to remove old files from Crowdin which don't exist in source any more - Bitbucket integration

I have my project integrated with Bitbucket.
If source localisation file is removed in the Bitbucket, it stays in Crowdin, though.

Is there a way how to set up project in a way that these unused files/folders are automatically removed?

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No, there isn’t. In case you connect branch 1 with Crowdin, Crowdin will keep it updated - delete files inside, change stings, delete strings, and so on - will reflect changes from Bitbucket in Crowdin.

But if you delete the integration or delete branch 1 from that integration, it will still remain in Crowdin. If you dont need it anymore, simply delete if from Content (3 bullets near branch name - delete branch).

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Just delete it from Content and it’s all :wink:

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