How to filter for "untranslated" and while hiding "hidden" strings?


As a translator using the web interface I am interested in translatable strings. Any other strings are not useful for me.

Current state

With the basic filter options I can either show “untranslated” strings or show “hidden” strings.

Feature request

How can I show “untranslated” strings while hiding all other strings such as the “hidden” ones?

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Well, in most cases, it’s enough to use the default filter “All, untranslated first”. Hidden strings are available for you because you’re either a manager or an owner. Proofreaders also can access hidden strings, but this option is more for specific use cases rather than for common usage:

Still, it is possible to use the Advanced filter to see Untranslated and only Visible strings as in my screenshot below:


Awesome, thank you very much for the kind guidance!

Can such an advanced filter be persisted? When I return to the language page then “Advanced Filter…” is selected but its options are reset.

Hi, @tbsprs!

Currently, the advanced filters reset once you navigate away from the page. They are designed to be session-specific and do not persist between sessions for the time being.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

Hope this helps you :crossed_fingers:t2:

I see. Thanks for the details. I am fine for now.