How to change source file dest in Crowdin?

This is my crowdin.yml file

project_id_env: CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID

# Choose file structure in Crowdin
# e.g. true or false
preserve_hierarchy: true

# Files configuration
  - source: "/packages/webapp/i18n/en/*.json"
    dest: "/webapp/en/*.json"
    translation: "/packages/webapp/i18n/%locale%/%original_file_name%"
    type: "crowdin-json"

In the codebase, all the i18n files lives inside the /packages/webapp/i18n directory.
But I do not want to show in the same hierarchy structure as in Crowdin.

I tried using the dest property as show in the docs.

But I am getting this error

❌ File 'webapp/%locale%/auth.json'
❌ Wrong parameters: 
<key: storageId, code: fileInvalid, message: Bad response received from custom format endpoint: No strings found>

I am not understand what is the exact issue from the error message itself. Or I am doing it wrong from what I am trying to do?

Hi @mittalyashu !

We will check everything form our side and will come back with updates!

Let’s keep in touch!

Hi @mittalyashu !

Hope you are doing great!

We are deeply sorry for the delay. Could you please let us know whether the error still disturbs you?

We are investigating everything from our side and need some additional details on the matter. Would you be able to contact us directly via for further assistance?

Looking forward to your kind reply,