How do I connect to a Github Organization private repo?

I was attempting to add my personal access token in the screen where I am setting up Github Integration.


  • I enter Github personal access token
  • I click “Set Up Integration” → Source & Translation Files mode
  • A spinner loads, and then the screen stays the same. Except the input area for the personal access token turns red.

I am not sure what I may be missing? There’s no “Save” button to save my token.

How am I supposed to connect? I also have authorization for my organization, and it shows that way on the Github authorization window.

Hi @rachel.ackeret ! We noticed that the integration with GitHub is already connected but the status is incomplete. Please select the repository and complete the configuration. You are also welcome to take a look at the guide attached below:

Hope this information will be useful for you!

Hi, that is exactly my issue. I cannot select my repository, because it is not showing up in the list. It is a repo under an organization I am a part of. Do you have any idea why that may be?

Dear @rachel.ackeret! Thank you for the additional details. Seems there is a lack of permission from your side for the needed repo. Could you confirm that you have the admin rights to it?

Please let us know!

I am not the admin of this organization, just a member. Would it work if I received a personal access token from the admin user? And not have to log in through their account?

Is the personal access token method functional or is it a broken feature? I was having issues. I don’t see many instructions on how this is supposed to work. Do you have instructions?

I would like to only have access to the one repo that is needed, not all of a user’s repos.

Hi @rachel.ackeret , in that case, you can ask the organization owner to give you admin access to the desired repo and then you will be able to see the repo in list on the integration page in Crowdin

Hi, I am having the same issue. I am not an Owner of the repo but they have given OAuth access to Crowdin, but I can only see my personal repos for integration. There should be an option to select from the list of organizations as well. This has worked fine on other services after OAuth access has been given. I think the left input should be a dropdown of organizations.

Hello @onur.fesci

Due to privacy settings and for keeping integration stable, you need to be Admin or Owner of the repository. If you connect via Token, the Token should be generated by Admin and have enough scopes of permission.

If permissions are fine, I’d suggest checking your plan details. Some subscription plans have limits (branches, integration type, etc). Perhaps you have a plan like Pro, and try to connect GitHub Enterprise or GitLab Self-Managed. In this case, it’s expected behavior.

In addition to my previous reply, the repository might be VPN-protected. In this case, it’s needed to whitelist Crowdin:

The crowdin-action · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub offers more flexibility than the native GitHub integration in this case.