Handling Portoguese and Portoguese Brazilian

I have Crowidn set up with GitHub integration. I have both Portoguese and Portoguese Brazilian as languages. I set up a custom language mapping that maps Portoguese Brazilian two_letter_code to “br”.

As a result, in my GitHub repo I can see the pt.yml file for Portoguese and br.yml file for Portoguese Brazilian. The problem is that, inside these files, both have “pt:” at the top; instead, I’d like Portoguese Brazilian to have either “pt-BR:” or “br:”.

How can I achieve that? Thank you in advance

Here is my crowdin.yml config:

"files": [
    "source": "/config/locales/en.yml",
    "translation": "/config/locales/%two_letters_code%.yml"
    "source": "/config/locales/devise/devise.en.yml",
    "translation": "/config/locales/devise/devise.%two_letters_code%.yml"
    "source": "/config/locales/backend/backend.en.yml",
    "translation": "/config/locales/backend/backend.%two_letters_code%.yml"

Hi @riggraz , you’re welcome to install the Import Tweak app and define that pt should be replaced to pt-BR or br for the needed files, please kindly watch the instructions below: