Getting empty strings when using skip untranslated strings

Hello, my project has skip untranslated strings enabled but when I export my translations I’m getting empty strings for untranslated strings. My project is: Rallly dashboard in Crowdin

You can see the pull request here generated by Crowdin with lots of empty strings:

How your Json looks like? maybe it’s not a common json, that’s why the filter of skipping not working. For some formats of file (maybe 2% from 100%) this option is not working due to possible code break.

Plus, is you activated it some time after connected the integration, the already received translation will sill be as they were without that filter.

Last but not least, you aktivated skip stings in Crowdin yaml, or in projects settings?

My json file looks like this:

I’m using nesting which is new but I’d be surprised if that’s what’s causing the issue.

I have Skip Untranslated Strings in my project settings but I experimented with setting it in my crowdin.yml on a different branch and it didn’t seem to make any difference.

Plus, is you activated it some time after connected the integration, the already received translation will sill be as they were without that filter.

I’ve always had Skip Untranslated Strings enabled and it used to work until I recently did some refactoring (I switched to using nesting and converted plural translations to ICU message format).

That should be the answer. It’s easy to test, just upload even with UI into a files tab a simple json file , like 5-10 strings, not nested, just a very default Json, and try build + download the project. If the strings will be skipped - it’s 100% reason in re factoring and nested structure.

Here’s the confirmation:

All because of nested structure.

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Ah I see that now. Thanks for pointing it out. I guess I’m moving back to a non-nested structure then.

Thanks for your help.

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