Fine-tuning ''Rows''

Hi, I don’t know why I face this section when I try to fine-tune the AI. I’ve uploaded a huge translation memory

Hi @egmnshnky could you please share all your steps?

First, I’ve uploaded the API key for OpenAI assistant, then I’ve chose the fine-tuning option. Then I’ve clicked the button to upload the translation memory. And when I’ve uploaded it, I came across this page.

Hi! Thanks, checking on our side
additionally, would it be possible to share the tm you uploaded with

Of course, here it is;

By the way, I don’t know how to send text files other than wetransfer, I don’t promote this site.

no worries :slight_smile:
As far as i can see, you have all text included in one cell so that is why ai cannot train based on it and requires more than 10 rows (you should have columns with the source language there (and strings) and the column with the target language (and translation is you have)

so, should it be like this? but at least 10 columns, right?

Since you have csv file, there should be at least 10 rows

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