File link is altered without source file change or translation change

Recently we found the ci fails because lacking of image because of a change created:





It seems that the file path is altered. However, the source file neither the translation is modified. Would you check what happens?

Hello @darwintree

I don’t see any error logs from our side, both database/project levels show no issue. Both Github logs and project API logs are fine. Accept a few errors for “list users” calls, but they are related to access (permissions) and can be solved by changing user roles or using API keys with more scopes.

You’re using Docusaurus, right? Can you provide details about your complete workflow and the point at which CI fails?

It looks like you’ve just moved some files (i.e. delete/copy folder, move from one placement to another), but they still match the original path (if it’s for example /source/**/some files).

In case your answer might contain some private data (i.e. URL links to the project in Crowdin, or details about the CI pipeline) feel free to reply by email to

Hi @darwintree !nthe strring
- original one
the one that is in the PR is the translation added in Crowdin

So we rewrite what you have on the repo with the translation added in Crowdin

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Thank you for replying. We’ve re-examined the project and found this error resulted from the incorrect approvement of an image path.

We thought it would be altomatically resolved by crowdin but after checking out the corresponding file we found the link is manually translated this time. Now the issue is resolved by correcting the link translation.

Thank you again for the replying