Hi, I need my Flutter ARB files to escape single quotes with another single quote. I’ve seen that this is a parser configuration parameter that already exists. However the option is missing for the “Application Resource Bundle” parser:
Hi @maelchiotti!
Application Resource Bundle (ARB) parser in Crowdin currently has minimal settings, with no direct option to configure escaping single quotes.
The lack of such options in the ARB parser settings means that you’ll need to use custom segmentation rules (when you click on “enable content segmentation”)
Also, you can check our custom Pre-Import/Post-export processors in order to run custom code against any uploaded/exported file.
Hope that helps!
Ok, thank you for the answer. I think it’s best if the strings are correct in Crowdin to start with, that’s why I wanted a linter and not a pre-export processor. But I understand it’s not available for ARB files right now, hope it will be some day!
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