In my project I have an issue that people keep (presumably accidentally) setting empty translations. This has been happening consistently for different languages. I have a special tool that validates translations and sends me error messages whenever this happens.
My proposal would be to loudly warn and explain to the user that the action they are about to take will show up as an empty string in the UI of the final application. The website makes it very confusing when you want to remove a translation and I can see this happens by accident.
Presumably here the translator wanted to indicate that there is no translation for this technical term (it’s a function called in the code that gets show in the UI), but instead they emptied the translation.
Would it be possible to add a setting to simply disallow empty translations? I have a feeling the user might have been translating, then stopped and just wants to get rid of the popups, so the translation ends up empty. The only reason I know about this is because I wrote my own verifier, for other projects they probably have no clue…
Our QA check can identify empty translations and it displays a warning message, but in the QA settings you can change it to an error in which case the user won’t be able to save empty translations unless he adds some: