Editor compact view not working

In the editor, the “Compact strings view” doesn’t seem to be working (the strings lines wrap to new lines, displaying the entire string).

We really like how compact the deprecated “Strings” tab is, makes it easy to see a lot of strings at a glance. Hoping you can make the Editor as compact as that.

Hello @farii

The strings tab was not totally removed and is still presented. It’s just recommended to use Editor as it provides more flexibility and is more feature-rich. But you can still work with the Strings tab without any issues.

The editor should provide a similar result if you use a Multilingual view with no Lanuages being selected.

Thanks – the Multilingual view is grayed out/unselectable (this is a String based project). Is there a trick to being able to use that view?

Tested from my side and multilingual views is accessible in strings based projects

This isn’t a big issue, but here’s what we see:

From your screenshot, it looks like you have Spanish selected. For example, I’m attaching 2 screenshots so you can see the difference

No languages:

2 languages:

Sorry yeah, removing the language doesn’t make a difference, “Multilingual” is still unselectable

It looks like you’re already in multilingual mode because it’s greyed out :slight_smile: (it means that you are in Multilingual mode).

If for example you click Comfortable, it will become greyed out as well, and 2 remaining modes will be clickable :slight_smile:

Ha yep, that’s it. The “compact strings view” doesn’t work in that mode which was the confusing part. I’m sure you folks are working on it, but a really compact view i.e. the Strings page would be good there.

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I appreciate your feedback! We’re always improving our platform, so let’s stay tuned :slight_smile: