Editor buggy for tag editing

There are currently a few bugs in the editor that is used as areplacement to the strings tab to add tags.

  • It regularly happens that clicking the checkbox doesn’t select the string. This ist rather annoying since it results in a lot of page reloads if you want to do mass changes to tags.
  • You currently can only change the tags for one page of entries (50 strings). If you select all strings and make any changes, nothing happens.

Hi @MSAbaddon
It is possible to select ALL strings in two clicks, kindly see the screenshot below:

When you enable the checkbox for all strings (first step on my screenshot) it will select strings from the current page only

I know this feature. Problem is - if I use it and then try to change labels nothing happens at all. Label changes currently seem to be restricted to the page currently displayed.

Could you please share a screen recording to support@crowdin.com and we’ll investigate it from our side

Sure, just sent the email.

Hi @MSAbaddon,

Received your email. Thank you very much for recording short detailed videos, it is helpful!

We will review it with the team and let you know the result!