Editor add String fullstop(.) and exclamation mark(!) in text broken

I try to add a new string to a .xml file using the Crowdin editor:
Identifier: testFullstop
String: First Sentence. Second Sentence! Third Sentence.

I get an error message: Internal Server Error … (disappears fast)
and the Identifier: testFullstop is added three times:
Identifier: testFullstop
String: First Sentence.

Identifier: testFullstop
Second Sentence!

Identifier: testFullstop
Third Sentence.

Hi @Taifun_Software_GmbH,

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the same behaviour on my test project. Can you please share the exact example of the string and identifier that you’ve tied to adding online? A short video with the steps you take would also be much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Olena,
thanks for the quick reply. I have recorded a short video with an example string.
As video upload is not allowed here: video in google drive

Hi @Taifun_Software_GmbH,

Perfect, thank you a lot!

Already passing it on to our tech team for investigation,

Let’s keep in touch,

Hi @Taifun_Software_GmbH

Our devs have fixed this issue. Can you please check and confirm it on your side?