Default translated file (should be same as original file) ignored certain string pattern in original file

I’m not sure if this is a bug and I would like to report it and how I solve it.

  1. I found that the crowdin updates pull request did not pass CI after I pushed some contents to the repo (and no translation change is done)
  2. I check the failed contents, the problem is that some html close tag is missing in the i18n files

The original contents:

  <TabItem value="libraries" label="Libraries">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="..." title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


And then the i18n file:

  <TabItem value="arrays" label="Arrays">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="..." title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The close tag is missing.

How I fixed it:

  1. I removed the blank line and format the code in this pull request: fix: crowdin i18n error by darwintree · Pull Request #421 · Conflux-Chain/conflux-documentation · GitHub
  2. Then syncing the project solves the issue(New Crowdin updates by darwintree · Pull Request #416 · Conflux-Chain/conflux-documentation · GitHub)

Is this a bug ? Or could there be potential wrong setting in my project?

Have you applied any changes to the source file on Crowdin? Do you configure your source language as a target as well? It might be that tags are missing in the translations in your project, this might break the export
Please share more details and all the steps you were doing before you found that the crowdin updates pull request did not pass CI

Thank you for your reply. This is the original file (Added Videos to Smart Contracts Section (#404) · Conflux-Chain/conflux-documentation@bb4bba0 · GitHub). I didn’t edit in Crowdin and the source file edit in crowdin is disabled. Source language is not configured as target language as well (conflux dashboard in Crowdin).

This is what happens during the whole process:

  1. I merged the source file change into main branch (the above mentioned original file)
  2. Github crowdin integration creates the pull request and the CI failed.
  3. I checked the file that produces the error and found out it was the missing of end tag
  4. I checked in Crowdin. No corresponding strings are displayed but the rendered elements.
  5. I searched </tabitem> in the project translated strings to make sure if this was because of pretranslation applying. And no identical string is found
  6. I removed certain blank line in the original source file(fix: crowdin i18n error by darwintree · Pull Request #421 · Conflux-Chain/conflux-documentation · GitHub)
  7. Crowdin pushed a new commit and the CI passed now

Hi @darwintree,

Thank you for sharing the detailed explanation!

I checked everything with a tech team and indeed the formatting of the .md file should not affect the file export. We’ve already created a task on the matter to fix it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @darwintree,

Our devs have fixed the issue with the new version of .md files.

​You’re more than welcome to check how everything works on your side and let us know!