Custom labels for Pull Requests (PR)

Hi there,

Do you know if there any way to customize GitHub PR title?

Currently it is always returned as 'New Crowdin translations" and we’d like to change it.

I found a way to update the commit message but not the title :frowning: We need to set up some automation on our side

Would be thankful for any help

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As I know it’s not supported yet, but I heard earlier Crowdin is going to launch the improvement on that. We are waiting for such option as well, fingers crossed it will be done asap🤞

It would definitely be valuable to have the translated language in the commit message title and the authors in the commit message body being attributed.

Can you please explain how you changed the commit message body?
Until now I manually rewrite the Git branch (git rebase --interactive) linked to Crowdin to change them. Then I force push the branch. Crowdin seems to be fine with this.

Here it is

You can change only title and labels.

Still, personally I prefer enabling in export “export only approved translations” so I totally sure once Pull request arises I can 100% approve it without review.

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