Custom ID/Versioning on "dest"/output files


I am still digging through the docs here, but it looks like there’s controlled options on the “dest”/ output files configuration. Is it possible to customise output/dest filenames to add a datetime/version/hash stamp?

It feels like it could be something added here as %unix_timestamp%, %build_version% or something unique like that. It doesn’t need to be exceptionally long; I think asset versioning IDs usually sit around 8 characters.

For context, I am using the github action to generate my translation JSON, but I want to add a custom versioning stamp to these files to manage their caching more effectively through a CDN.

Hello there,

Customizing output filenames with a datetime/version/hash stamp is indeed possible. You can achieve this by using scripts in the post-processing step of your GitHub action workflow. After the translation JSON is generated, you can add a step to rename the file accordingly before it’s uploaded to your CDN.

While we don’t have any pre-made solution to achieve this, you’re welcome to run some tests on the matter.

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Cheers Dima, yea the secondary action as a followup made sense.

If crowdin-cli were to ever support some version stamping, it would happen in here? crowdin-cli/src/main/java/com/crowdin/cli/utils/ at f742d846e47416de66cc5c2c9d1dbfc9cd6041a4 · crowdin/crowdin-cli · GitHub


I’m not sure about where it would happen or where it would be placed, but you’re always welcome to submit an idea or feature request :slight_smile: