First time using Crowdin. I’m attempting to add strings/text to translate and it advises me to use the editor.
However, it appears the editor doesn’t even attempt to load a plaintext file, maybe because it has a non-standard extension? It just gives a generic “No preview available” or “No Strings to Display”.
My files are plaintext in the Windows Ini File format and use the file extension .lang as the language I code in does not have a standard for translatable strings. I would like to keep using the ini file format. You can see the files I’m attempting to upload and translate here:
I’m sure I’m doing some sort of process incorrectly but I don’t know what specifically. Any advice is appreciated
Hi @rcmaehl !
We support ini file format just fine, kindly see file formats that can be uploaded to Crowdin:
In order to read a file properly, you need to upload a source file with the corresponding file extention, for example: source.ini. After that the strings will be available in the Editor for translation