Crowdin adding extra columns to json file?

This is my first time posting here and also my first time trying to translate json files with crowdin. I did a very quick test to see how it would work and it seems that crowdin is adding extra columns to the translated file. Check the difference below:


    "title": "Lesson 1",
    "description": "Binary Options. How Do They Work and How Much Can You Earn with Them?",
    "articleUrl": "",
    "progress": 5,
    "tasks": [
        "type": "quiz",
        "title": "Quiz",
        "description": "Binary Options. How Do They Work and How Much Can You Earn with Them?",
        "reward": 30,
        "progress": 5,
        "quiz": [

Exported file:

      "title": "Aula 1",
        "description": "Binary Options. How Do They Work and How Much Can You Earn with Them?",
        "articleUrl": "",
        "progress": 5,
        "tasks": [
                "type": "questionário",
                "title": "Questionário",
                "description": "Binary Options. How Do They Work and How Much Can You Earn with Them?",
                "reward": 30,
                "progress": 5,
                "quiz": [

Is this an issue? How do I remove the extra columns, any suggestions?

Hi @nandorj78 !

Do you mean that i the original file you had [ at the beginning but in the exported file it’s absent?

We’d like to see your file before the upload to Crowdin and do some tests, so you’re welcome to contact us via e-mail address

@Natalia Oh, sorry! That was my mistake when copying and pasting the code. What I mean is that Crowdin is adding extra spaces at the beginning of every single line.

Dear @nandorj78 , oh, thanks for the clarification. Let us check that for you

@Natalia Great! Thank you.

Dear @nandorj78 , our team suggested using the Prettier app:

Could you please kindly give it a try?

@Natalia I just installed the app, but I don’t know what to do next, sorry. Where do I set it up?

If it’s just to re-add the file and process it, then it didn’t work. The translated file still adds several spaces at the beginning of each line.

Dear @nandorj78 it’s needed to create the segmentation rule and use it with that app