Automatically rebasing the pull/merge request branch

Is there an option to automatically rebase the l10_master branch which Crowdin creates whenever the reference branch (master here) has new commits? I think this would be useful to have.

Also, an option to configure how often the rebase should happen would be neat. I would not want to have it happen all the sudden to avoid burning minutes on the continuous integration server without reason.


Never heard about that feature. Isn’t it somewhere in integration settings? If not, you may request it, but if there’s like 2-3 votes + it may take veeeery much time to be taken into development Feature requests and ideas | Crowdin

Is there a link to that feature request? I cannot find it. Search for “rebase” gives empty result

Hi @thongchai.kolyutsaku ! You may submit feature requests here (if there isn’t the one you would like to see)