Android translation of plurals changes attribute and fails CI

Android plurals have an xml structure like this

<plurals name="magnet_format">
        <item quantity="one">%d magnet</item>
        <item quantity="many">%d magnets</item>

and the “quantity” tag is related to how plurals are handled by a language, so it can different between different strings.xml files.

Crowdin seems to be changing the attribute of quantity when they are different between files. For example

<item quantity="many">%d magnets</item>


<item quantity="other">%d magnets</item>

but the French language needs “many” and not “other”. Android added a check for this on its linter so now CI fails with the error

app/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml:207: Error: For locale "fr" (French) the following quantity should also be defined: many (e.g. "1000000 de jours") [MissingQuantity]
    <plurals name="seeders_format">
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You’re using new French rules, right? I saw few topics here in community, seems there was a language rules update recently, and “Many” was added to few languages, along with French.

I had a private direct conversation with Crowdin support, they told me that the task about native support of a new “many” will be released as 1 deployment-update for all languages that were affected by this “many” change. It’s a big task and should be done approximately in Q1 2023.

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Yes, Thanks for the reply. I searched for previous questions but couldn’t find anything. I still have my weblate instance so maybe I’ll use that again (if it actually support this feature) in the meanwhile

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Hello @LivingWithHippos

I can confirm that we will be updating languages, you can see my detailed reply here:

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Thanks for taking the time to answer me. Luckily my project is a small open source one so I don’t need this immediately.

My two cents:
add an option to the config yaml to avoid changing the quantity attribute, or an even more generic one so that we can avoid changing a specific attribute, for example

ignored_attributes: ["quantity"]

maybe per-language to avoid issues

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@LivingWithHippos thanks for the suggestion, we’ll think about it :wink:


Hi @Dima

Any progress update available for this? We’re still encountering it for French (Canada) translations.

Hi @SaintPatrck

The task is not done yet. As my colleague Dima mentioned it is a bit technically tricky one and it may took some time. But once it will be done we will immediately let you know. Please accept our apologises for the inconvenience you faced!

Thank you,