"Add project permissions" language search does not filter options despite the visual


In the “Add project permissions” form, if you type to search for a language, you’ll see a visual that implies successfully filtering but the filtering is only visual. If you press “enter” while only one language is visible, you’ll select the language that was at the top of the un-filtered list (first alphabetically) rather than the first depicted language.

This caused me to errantly assign “Arabic” and “Cebuano” to a member of my organization today, rather than assigning “Spanish” and “Esperanto” as I intended.


  1. From the organization homepage, navigate to “Add project permissions” for any user in the org. (Left menu → users → 3 dots menu of any user → “Add project permissions”)
  2. Select Proofreader or Language Coordinator. (Either works; both are affected.)
  3. Uncheck “Access to all project languages”
  4. Type the name of any language that is not immediately visible, until there is only one match left.
  5. Press Enter.

You will assign permissions for the language that was at the top of the list before filtering, rather than the language that was at the top of the list after you typed to search.

Side notes:

  • Clicking the language you’ve searched for works as intended.
  • Once you’ve hit enter, the list of languages resets to showing all languages, which obscures the fact that this error occurred by covering the section of UI where permissions are normally visible.

Hello @gregdan3

Thank you for reporting this. I’ve tried to reproduce this from my end, but it looks like I might be missing some details, or my configuration isn’t similar to yours.

May I ask you to kindly make a screen record (if possible, with voice comments) that illustrates this issue? So we can re-create this behavior by exacting your steps.

You’re welcome to share the video record with our support team (support@crowdin.com). The video can be added as an attachment to the email, or uploaded to any cloud tool (like Google Drive, MS OneDrive, Dropbox, etc).